For Such a Time as This

**Author’s note–I initially posted this on December 5, 2016.
For such a time as this… December 2016–I did not know the end of the worst season (fourteen years) of my life was drawing to a close. I was trying to survive, literally. I almost gave up before I got my miracle.
For such a time as this… I learned to cling to the only constant in an ever-changing world. Looking back, I can see how this season of my life was the catalyst for change. Because I chose to hang on, because I chose to screw my courage to the sticking place, because I decided to turn around and stare the uphill climb in the face, my entire life is different now. I didn’t quit. Lord have mercy; I wanted to. I wanted to throw in the towel and call life off.
“If you seek me, you will find me,” God whispered. I believed Him. I tested those words as a last-ditch effort. I found God; I found new life.

For Such a Time as This

“For such a time as this, Lord, you have placed me right where you want me,” I breathe out loud, my forehead pressed against the glass. I watch the winter storm rage outside and feel the sting of the icy one within. 

Ecclesiastes reminds me there is a season for everything, and everything has a purpose under Heaven. As this stormy season dawns on the horizon of my life, I cannot help but wonder–why, why the storm, why the wait? I wonder how I will ever endure. And how long, Lord, how long until the storm passes? Couple my season of waiting with the on-set of advent, my longing for a miraculous Christmas, and my need to ask questions fade.

That still, small voice says, “I promise you, Child, seek me, and you will find me. I stand at the door of the Inn and knock. Don’t be the Innkeeper who turned me away.” 

God hides in plain sight. He waits on me to give Him every ounce of my attention. When I surrender to His Lordship, He meets me smack-dab in the spot I occupy.

God hides in plain sight. He waits on me to give Him every ounce of my attention. When I surrender to His Lordship, He meets me smack-dab in the spot I occupy.  

He delights in the details of my life and does not withhold an ounce of His love. Even in the dark of winter, He showers me with light. Although my home does not show the outward adoration of Christmas, my heart awakens within. “Oh God,” I pray, “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto this dark path. In the beginning, was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word became flesh and made His dwelling with me, for me.”  

Jesus came to make the untouchable God touchable.  

In the early days, God revealed Himself to the most faithful, those He set apart (my heroes). Jesus came to reveal Himself to those who breathe the air He created. He came to set apart those who wear the flesh into which He was born. The King of Kings came to bridge the gap for the ordinary, everyday, normal, like me. He came as the light for all, not some, but all. And it is that I celebrate in the innermost sanctuary of my being. That baby in a manger came to BE my journey through the storm. The Prince of Peace came to give me hope that this, too, shall pass. For that and that alone, I owe Him my adoration.

Light burst forth that cold winter night. A light that nothing can ever extinguish.

I know if I had no winter, if I had no storm, I wouldn’t cling to Him for dear life. I might never seek Him as if my life depended upon it. There is a season for everything under the sun, and this season, like all others, has a purpose. “Draw near to me, and I will draw near to you,” says the Holy of Holies.  

If life were a constant of rainbows and sunshine, I would see His beauty, most definitely, but I would miss looking into the eyes of a tiny baby and the magnitude of His presence. My winter season allows me passionate cause to fall on my knees and worship from the sincerity and desperation of my heart. In the winter of waiting, my roots grow deep.

“If that’s you, Lord, call me, and I will get out of this boat and walk to you on the water. Call me toward you, where my feet will fail, and the borders of my trust diminish.” Here I am, clinging to the one who faithfully called me, clinging for dear life with no bottom in my world. Here I am, forced only to see a baby in a manger for my Christmas, and suddenly life makes sense. I may feel alone, like I’ve never felt alone in my life, but I’m not because the Word became flesh and made His home with me so that I may look fully into the wonderful face of God.  

“Sweet Jesus, who became flesh and made your home with me, guide me through the winter season. Hear my deepest desire to dwell in the house of the Lord forever and find me faithful like my heroes of faith. Refine my doubting heart until all that remains is You. This Christmas, I want to see you; I want to know you. While the winter storm rages around me, my eyes are fixed on you. 

4 thoughts on “For Such a Time as This”

  1. Impactful and life giving! Words crafted in to a healing balm and a melody composed to beckon all to come to Him, the giver of hope, even in the darkest moments of cold winter nights.
    Thank you for this timely message.

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