Let’s Go to Arabia

Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you.
Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you:
A prophet to the nations—-that’s what I had in mind for you.
Jeremiah 1:5

Let’s Go To Arabia

My sweet story-swapping sisters, how I love a good tale!  A failure turned success story is the best.  Society has convinced us (boulder-lies) that our story isn’t worth telling, that we aren’t worth much.  Our downhill journey lulled us into believing that we must keep up appearances, keep up with the Joneses, or keep up with the current ministry standards.  We’ve been a wee bit bullied into believing that we aren’t all that if we don’t feel a certain way.  Somewhere along the way, that smooth-talking Bible salesman taught us that we are being deprived of our rights if we don’t have what we want when we want it (name it and claim it).  And, oh my, if we are suffering, feeling pain, or going through challenges, then God is most assuredly not at work in our lives.  Our stories tell a contrasting tale.  We have something to say!

Paul tells us in the Galatians passage that he went straight to Arabia.  He didn’t “pass go” or collect his $200, nor did he stop to ask for directions.  He didn’t need the opinion of those around him; he didn’t need advice.  For him, Arabia was a place of retreat.  Meeting with God requires reflection.  We aren’t used to living a life with God at the center.  We are used to being the center.  We certainly aren’t used to living by grace, either.  And forgiveness, we can’t even think about that one.  Grace and forgiveness don’t make sense in our lives.  

These boulder-lies, the ones that have removed “loved” and “forgiven” from our lives, have perverted our view of God.  We are not a mistake or a random accident.  God is real; He skillfully crafted us on purpose for a purpose.

We cannot live a free life of faith quietly or privately. In the story of a changed life, nothing is wasted

When we take a moment in our Arabia—-without the well-meaning advice of others—-to meet with our creator, we find Truth.  Arabia can be time alone with God in the morning or immersed in worship on Sunday at church.  However and wherever these are the moments we explore the meaning of God’s love for us.  Arabia deepens the reality of acceptance and helps us understand forgiveness.    

Paul went to see Peter.  They swapped stories.  “How did God get a hold of you?”  I can hear Paul asking Peter and Peter telling of all his failures.  But Paul didn’t stay in Arabia.  Although camping out in Arabia is tempting, we have a story to tell and a world that needs to hear.  

Each of us has that story.  In these stories of our journey, we can tell the world that God is for us, not against us.  He loves and forgives.  We cannot live a free life of faith quietly or privately.  In the story of a changed life, nothing is wasted—-the raw, authentic material from all our days.  Our relationship with Christ did not begin when we decided to acknowledge Him; He has been here all along.  He has never left us nor forsaken us.

Our relationship with Christ did not begin when we decided to acknowledge Him; He has been here all along. He has never left us nor forsaken us.

We are free to tell our story!  Our story of freedom includes regrets, inadequacies, and the inferiorities that make us feel like we don’t belong. Our stories transform into Christ-affirmed features that express the power and glory of God.  This change penetrates every part of ourselves and our history—-not just the good or the spiritual parts.  Let’s do this, sisters; let’s tell our stories!