Introduction–Journey of Freedom

We are on a journey from the here and now to His kingdom come.  It sounds like a long road trip.  Maybe we should pack snacks, plan our bathroom stops, and think up our best travel stories.  However, the distance from the here and now and His kingdom come is only a short mindset shift. 


When Jesus came, He brought Heaven with Him.

While Jesus was living in the Galilean hills, John, called “the Baptizer,” was preaching in the desert country of Judea.  His message was simple and austere, like his desert surroundings: “Change your life God’s kingdom is here.”  Matthew 3:1-2 

Jesus brought a new way of life, a new way of thinking, and a new way of living. 

A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy.  I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. John 10:10 

And by that “real life,” Jesus meant right now.  His freedom, His kingdom is here and now.

In our captive mindset, we find ourselves walking along a beautiful tree-lined, grassy path, much like amazing golf course grass, not Ozark weeds.  It is pristine.  A groundskeeper regularly removes every hindrance to keep this accessible:  No sinkholes, boulders, pebbles, or any hills and valleys.  The air even exemplifies perfection.  The temperature naturally meets our needs.  The sun shines when we are chilly and shade is always present in the day’s heat.  And we begin to wonder, “is this what Eden was like?” 

Getting caught up in the wonders of walking doesn’t take long.  Every great once in a while, there is a small storm.  We weather that with ease, thinking, “I got this.”  We don’t realize that the path is a subtle downhill slope.  We’ve been so enamored with its ease and beauty.  A snap to reality, a moment of clarity, and we see the skies are actually gray, and there are bumps in the road.  That moment of clarity brings awareness of little things we have let slip in—-repentance is in order.  

Repentance takes the shape of an actual turnaround, an about-face.  However, the simple path we walked down is now a steep and lofty mountain that we must climb to return.  Rocks, boulders, pitfalls, and mountain lions are now on our path.  The way uphill is anything but easy.  Here we choose, ”Do I put one foot in front of the other and head uphill or do I say to heck with it and take the slow, easy path straight to hell?”  Of course, it’s a no-brainer; go uphill!!  But the path to hell is super easy, and the way uphill is hard.  Sisters, this is where we must have one another.  There is strength in numbers—-no one gets left behind.  

As we meet with one another weekly, freedom is a word that is constantly on our lips.  We can do this.  Freedom is hard work, but once we get a taste of the sweet nectar, we will want more and more.  We don’t walk alone; we aren’t the only people (on either path).  So many are headed down in ignorant bliss; they have no clue.  On the way uphill, strugglers are turning around and giving up.  We want freedom for them, but it’s not a decision we can make.  What it truly means to be human is this “freedom experience” at the center of a life of faith.  

Our lives should cause others to crave what we have, creating curiosity. When we understand what freedom is and what it looks like, we leave a gift, our legacy, to fellow travelers.

We are learning this truth in our own lives.   How can we awaken that in the lives of others?  Our lives should cause others to crave what we have, creating curiosity.  When we understand what freedom is and what it looks like, we leave a gift, our legacy, to fellow travelers.

So, over the next several days, let’s explore freedom together and create curiosity.  Let’s teach others how to be free through our lives of love.

About this book

This is an interactive Journey of Freedom meant for discussion. 


This work is based loosely on Eugene Peterson’s book, “Traveling Light.”  In his early years, his congregation just wasn’t getting it, so he took the book of Galatians, put it into plain English, described what Paul was talking about, and created a book of freedom. I fell in love with this book and searched out a way to share it with you.  


All scripture is from the Message version of the Bible unless otherwise noted.  I found it fitting!


I hope that your journey is enjoyable and also sparks some inspiration.